My IP Address

Your IP
City Columbus
Region Ohio (OH)
Country United States of America
Country Code US
Latitude 39.9625
Longitude -83.0061

About My IP Address

You’d agree that IP addresses are not an everyday topic. In fact, they are about as unconventional as the least talked about computer-related terms that there are.

As a result, your IP address is something you probably hardly look at. However, it is ever highly significant to your online lifestyle.

Significant in what aspect, you’d ask?

Well, for one, you wouldn’t be able to check your emails, see social media updates from your friends, or watch videos online without an IP address.

The reason?

Every time you browse the internet, you’re actually ‘making requests’ for those pages whose URL you click on or enter.

Now without your IP address, websites like Google, Facebook, YouTube, and wouldn’t know where to send the information you request. That is why it is called “address” because it is WHERE these sites send requested information to your computer.

But not only are IP addresses significant; it’s equally significant that you KNOW your IP address. And there are several reasons for this (which we will talk about later on down below).

The importance of knowing your IP address explains why we created this amazing tool, What is My IP address location.